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We wanted you to see some of our wedding pics and take a look at our spins and dip. We had such a blast with our first dance and lots of our guests were crying when we finished! It was the funniest thing. We were so into our dance that we didn't notice the guests until it was over and when we looked around once we'd finished all these people were crying! I guess this means we did a good job:)
Best to you and the staff over there.
Mrs. Nydia Shipman :)

Hi Gail, The wedding was great! AND most importantly -- the dance went perfectly!! Here are a few photos ...proof that the lessons paid off.
Thank you so much for all of your help.
Suzanne & Joe

Our dance to Moon River went over well, thanks to our instructor's extreme patience with us! We had so much fun learning to waltz and have recommended it to all our friends. Attached is a photo - hope the form looks correct.
Megan & Roy

Hi, we had a blast taking dance lessons! We just uploaded the youtube video link to our first dance at our wedding - the modified version of the Dirty Dancing movie scene to the song, “I've Had the Time of my Life”. The wedding was perfect, thanks again for your help.
Have fun watching!
Mike & Jill

Hi Gail!!!
I just wanted to let you know the first dance was so perfect, and of course everyone was in awe! Don't worry we gave YOU ALL THE CREDIT!!! It was like I was at a reward show, "we would like to thank Gail, without her none of this would be possible..." really, that's the truth!! Right after the dance, Chuck said "I wish Gail were here.."
Also, I'll call or email you this week about dance classes! We miss it!
Sung & Chuck